The dryland forests of the Barind Tract and the wetlands of the Haor Area of Bangladesh provide a range of valuable goods and services to local communities that rely on these ecosystems for agriculture and fisheries. However, due to unsustainable resource use, these ecosystems are degrading, and the extreme weather events caused by climate change are expected to further degrade these ecosystems affecting fisheries and agricultural productivity and putting local communities at risk.
To reduce the vulnerability of these communities, UNEP and partners are implementing ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EbA) in degraded dryland, upland and swamp forests by restoring 180 ha of degraded habitats and , implementing adaptation technologies to conserve water and reduce erosion. The project is also promoting additional livelihood options such as fish production, floating vegetable gardens, and spice cultivation, and improving knowledge on effective EbA by training local officials and communities.
These interventions are strengthening the resilience of the Barind Tract and Haor Area ecosystems to adapt to climate change and provide key goods and services to local communities. By supporting additional livelihoods, the project is improving communities’ resilience to climate change.
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