In a video recorded during the inauguration of a Jubo Dal office in Nimtala Bazar on Wednesday (4 September) night, Rafiqul Islam instructed the party men present to “beat Awami League members wherever you see them.”
Rafiqul Islam, a former leader of Kushtia’s Mirpur Municipal Jubo Dal. Photo: Collected
Rafiqul Islam, a former leader of Kushtia’s Mirpur Municipal Jubo Dal. Photo: Collected
Rafiqul Islam, a former leader of Kushtia’s Mirpur Municipal Jubo Dal, has stirred controversy after a video of him inciting violence against Awami League members went viral.
In a video recorded during the inauguration of a Jubo Dal office in Nimtala Bazar on Wednesday (4 September) night, Rafiqul Islam instructed the party men present to “beat Awami League members wherever you see them.”
Rafiqul said, “If you ever see any Awami League, beat them on the street. Abusing the Awami League leaders, he said, “They did not allow us to go out on the streets. They didn’t let us go to the market; they didn’t even let us go to the market. They are so disgusting. They do the dirtiest politics.”
Highlighting the torture during the Sheikh Hasina government, the Jubo Dal leader said, “Three people from BNP and other organizations were not allowed to sit together. We have been harassed in many ways. A false case has been filed against us. We have been charged with sabotage. I suffered a lot. So, I request you not to do any grouping within the party. Do politics shoulder to shoulder.”
When asked about the speech, Rafiqul said that it was a political speech. The amount of torture we have been subjected to in the last 15 to 16 years cannot be expressed in words. I have said this with emotion from the place of suffering. Again, this can’t be said, it has to be said. Even if you go to hold the activists, you have to say.
Regarding Bhagan’s statement, Upazila BNP President Alhaj Abdul Haque told The Business Standard, “BNP does not support such statements. We have no such instructions. And I don’t know anything about BN”s inauguration of Nimtala Baja.”