Former Scottish parliament member Lord Jeremy Purvis asked about the challenges of the interim government. In response, Nahid Islam said, “The main challenges of the interim government are law and order, economic crisis, continuing the reform initiatives on the basis of consensus with the political parties and establishing global connections. This government came to power through a mass uprising, which is unprecedented in the history of the country.”
The information adviser said, “Various sorts of propagandas are being carried out internationally. Many are failing to properly explain the mass uprising. As a result, various conspiracies are being plotted home and abroad. Misinformation is being spread regarding torture on the Hindu community. Many are trying to deny the fact that this movement was a democratic mass uprising.”
Nahid Islam further said, “Bangladesh has been going through a humanitarian crisis for a long time. People didn’t have the right to vote. Several thousands of people were subjected to enforced disappearances. So protecting human rights is one of the main agendas of the government.”