“Repeal legislative and economic measures unduly favoring diversification to reduce vulnerability to sector-specific shocks, ensure that growth benefits the broader population and provides opportunities to new graduates and unemployed people,” the report read.
The OHCHR called for implementing a more equitable tax system, including by focusing more on direct taxes, especially income and wealth taxes for high-income individuals and corporations, and abolishing tax breaks provided out of political favouritism.
“Enhance the protection of workers, including through amendments to the Labour Act, to protect workers’ freedom of association, intensify labour inspections, improve work conditions, particularly for women, ensure a fair minimum wage, and address acts of anti-union discrimination, unfair labour practices and violence against workers.”
OHCHR encouraged Bangladesh the government to extend it a standing invitation to support the authorities’ efforts to address human rights concerns and institute relevant reforms.
“In addition, OHCHR recommends further independent and impartial investigations of violations and abuses that have occurred, including in relation to the protests, with a view to supporting accountability and preventing the recurrence of violations,” the report also said.